Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ed Brescia

First off, I apologize on not keeping this blog updated for the past week and a half. It has been a crazy time for us as we are preparing for our first tradeshow appearance, but more on that later. For now, I'd like to introduce you to the newest artist in our team, Ed Brescia. And yes, that is actually him modeling his own t-shirt design. I told you, we're D.I.Y.

When we first met Ed, I knew I liked his style but I wasn't always sure it would fit ours. Luckily, it came time to design our SUMMER 10 collection and Brian wanted to try something we haven't done since we first started the brand. We opted to go with as much color as possible and since we wanted to make it a surf/beach theme, we definitely wanted to make everything as "gnarly" as we could. Go big or go home!

And that's where Ed came in.

The Gnar Tank Top & Tee "When I first met with artist Ed Brescia, the only word that came to mind when I was trying to describe this design concept was "gnar". And wow, did he nail it or what?! Since it's Summer again and we decided to get colorful this time around, the first image I envisioned was a zombie-dude shredding the boardwalk as if he was carving up some waves. Ed keeps it retro with the short longboard and backwards "Never Dead" snapback hat. This gnarly dude looks like he knows how to party. Who wouldn't want to party with him?"

And to further solidify his skills, Ed also brought this piece of artwork to the table. To say the least, we were STOKED.

The Last Wave Tee "Another incredible sketch by artist Ed Brescia depicts a lone surfer riding his potentially last wave. With the wave representing a weapon from medieval times on a giant scale, the surfer knows full well what he's in for so he ditches the surfboard for a coffin. It's the ride of his life and he is ready to take it to the grave. He does not fear death. He fears not LIVING."

You will be seeing more of Ed's work in the very near future. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I'd like to remind you that our SUMMER 10 collection is AVAILABLE NOW in our ONLINE SHOP, at Karmaloop, and at Brooklyn Projects in Pasadena, CA! Some sizes have already sold out so act quick!

You can view the SUMMER 10 Lookbook by clicking HERE.

- Vince